
Branding Yourself, Why Work for Somebody Else, Brand YOUR Name!


Francois Baril

Branding is effective positioning of a product in such a way as to create a direct and strong association between the name and the essence of the product on the market.

There are hundreds of marketers offering the same product on-line: some of them successful and others, usually about 80% just struggling to replicate their success. Even though there can be several reasons, all mlm experts single out two key elements to successful internet marketing: internet marketing strategy and internet branding strategy. If you want to see success come to your business as well, it’s vital not to confuse them, and gradually improve both directions of your marketing.

Internet marketing strategy is the practical aspect of your overall marketing tactics, and includes the marketing system you use, marketing leads scheme to the landing pages, extent of outsourcing, the set of social sites you choose to work with, amount of internet presentations and webinars, and, of course, the choice of products you decide to market – health products, collectables, or money drop cards. Marketing strategy is vital for any business, internet marketing business in particular, but the scope of this publication is to highlight the other essential aspect of your work – internet branding. Branding yourself, and your expertise in particular, in internet is different from branding a multimillion company name offline. There are several reasons – you are the only employee and you own boss at the same time. Besides, the environment where you work is so much different and advantageous than the “world out there” where most of the big companies operate that you need to learn how to turn this benefits – leads, landing pages, sites, prospects, on-line materials, webinars – into money.

Branding is so important that whatever product you decide to market, you will inevitably end up branding or re-branding it. When you decide to build your business in internet marketing, you essentially, decide to brand yourself as the director, manager, user, and distributor of your own company. Thus, you should try to replicate every department that a big company should have, including the marketing department that takes care of the company image. You have probably heard that world class companies sell their products at higher prices because they put in the price the name of the brand. When you learn effective ways of branding your name and brains, you will be eligible to sell the product at higher rates and in vast amounts. When you hear brands like Mercedes, Vodafone, BMW or Sony, you already have associations with their products. People know who they are and what they sell. But listen here, have YOU done your homework? and what do people associate with your name and your product? what do you offer them? But look at the people around you. What do they associate you with? If you are a loner, and plan to stay this way, do you think you will be able to contact and influence potential customers so that they buy your product? What are you offering people now, apart from the product you have? Credibility, quality, steadfastness, intelligence, support, availability, friendlinessOr, take-it-or leave-it blunt approach to clients because you are so busy generating leads and writing landing pages? Some marketers could be giving away gold or $100 bills and people would still not join them because of the feel that “something is wrong here”. Can you overcome it? Remember that 80% of purchases, especially on-line purchases, are influenced by emotions. What are your feelings when you market your product, and what are the feelings that your prospects get from talking to you? Do you get irritated with them? If you do, then get rid of that “technique” right away, and consider that your character, and not only your marketing strategy, defines success and income.


I have seen two people selling the same juice. Sammy could talk for hours about Xango juice. With sincere enthusiasm, he readily answered the questions his potential clients had, and was ready to help with advice and expertise, because he had taken time to learn all he could about Xango. Sam put his character, emotions and life into it, always branding himself as an expert Xango marketer. While for John Mark it was just another product. He tried to never associate his name with the juice because he was never sure of himself or the products he was selling. John Mark never made it higher than $200 even though he spent several weeks marketing. And this could happen just because the second guy was not able to offer prospects what they needed – love, care, understanding, AND the product. People appreciate when others serve them and are willing to pay for acceptance and natural, meaningful, relationships. Business is not production but RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNICATION.

YOU make your internet business and your product different from your neighbor’s, and appealing to a specific group of customers that are like yourself – have the same interests and priorities in life. So let people know you AND the product you sell. Here is what you can start doing today:

1. Position YOURSELF as the expert and leader of your company. Don’t send them elsewhere for advice or help. If you can’t be the boss of your own company then get back to your regular job or learn how to become one. You can outsource everything but not your role of the leader;

2. Be a teacher and a friend for them. You need to get them interested in your personality;

3.Understand that as the leader of your business you, and ONLY you, have the information they need to get. Make this information VALUE and not VOLUME oriented;

4.They can probably buy the same product from somebody else as internet marketing does not produce anything of its own. But you need to brand and promote YOURSELF and not the product they buy from you. They need to buy it from YOU;

5.Let the world learn about you and your name. You name and the product’s name should always go together;

Now you probably agree with me that branding yourself is one key factor to your success but how can you accomplish what you just read ? Lot people get confused and overwhelmed when it come to brand yourself online even for the best marketers.

It could take weeks and months to create all the neccesary stuff to start

branding yourself

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Branding Yourself, Why Work for Somebody Else, Brand YOUR Name!