
Diabetes Reversal through Treatment


Neelam Malik

Diagnosis of diabetes or any disease is very crucial before planning its prevention and treatment. A number of researches worldwide have been undertaken with very positive outcomes on managing diabetes but there are doubts over the question of treatment. The positive research implications relate with type 2 diabetes, not type 1 diabetes. Scientists, doctors and nutritionists across the world firmly believe that type 2 diabetes can be reversed in the natural way and type 1 diabetes can be improved. Full treatment and cure for type 1 diabetes is doubtful in those cases where it is genetically carried over to the next generation in a family.Nevertheless, type 1 diabetes can be improved by depending on the advice of your doctor and it takes just 30 days to reverse the process of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes has become a ringing alarm bell for people across the world. As per the World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on diabetes, approximately 3.4 million people die because of high blood sugar. Most alarming is the fact, as per WHO estimates, 80% deaths happen in low and middle-income countries. It is also estimated that number of deaths will double between 2016 and 2030. The forecast for India, as estimated by the WHO, is 58%, from 50 million diabetic patients in 2010 to 87 million in 2030.

Are you a diabetic? Dont be lethargic, Come to Action! Consult a specialist. Diabetes can be managed through life style changes, throwing redundancies away from your style of living through dietary changes, exercise regime and taking food supplements, besides following a healthy life-style. Now, what do we call a healthy life style? Remember the phrase learned in schools, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; it is the mantra of healthy life style. Is it possible to follow this mantra? Give it a try! You may or may not succeed, but dont take diabetes lightly, as it has a number of serious side-effects, including high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, neuro-related problem, Alzheimer disease and amputation.

Treat the Causes of Diabetes

When we talk about the treatment of diabetes, we need to analyze the causes of diabetes, as the treatment is possible by alienating the causes. Diabetes is a disease of heightened blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes is related to our immune system; it starts destroying the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, as a result, our pancreas produces no insulin at all or produces only partial. Causes of this autoimmune reaction may be a virus, GMO organisms, heavy metals, vaccines, or foods like wheat, cows milk, and soy. Wheat and cows milk are included among the causes of diabetes because of the presence of the proteins gluten and A1 casein in them. These proteins can make your gut leaky, leading to systemic inflammation across the body, which over a period of time can result in type 1 diabetes — an autoimmune disease. Therefore, to improve and treat type 1 diabetes, autoimmune response needs to be controlled by removing gut leaking foods, replacing them with such foods that heal the gut, repair with food supplements and re-balance by consuming pro-biotic foods. All these steps need to be followed, first of all, by consulting a specialist diabetologist, as Dr. G., an eminent

diabetes doctor in India


Although possibility of reversing type 1 diabetes is very scant but you can improve your diabetes by taking recommended diet only, resulting in improved blood sugar levels, relieving the diabetes patients dependence on insulin and medicines.

You can reverse type 2 diabetes the most common kind of diabetes, caused by insulin resistance. The main culprit here also is high blood sugar that disturbs your metabolism. You can correct this disturbance by avoiding completely such foods as refined sugar, traditional cows milk, alcohol, GMO foods, packaged foods and hydrogenated oils. Rather go for stevia, replacing sugar, stop taking grains for 3 consecutive months and afterwards start with sprouted grains, replace cows milk with raw and organic dairy from pasture-fed animals. Follow strictly an eating plan recommended by Dr. G and his team of dieticians, take food supplements Diabetplus & Diabetall and Sweet Joy for natural sugar and adopt a fitness routine to reverse diabetes. Yes, you can do it!

I am Neelam and I have a passion for wellness and showing to others how to live healthy lives.

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