
Millennials choosing to go abroad rather than get on the property ladder by Declan EllisA recent survey by a travel tour and adventure holiday company in the UK has revealed that a lot of young British people would rather go abroad and create memories on holiday than purchase a house from an estate agent or property auction Lake District. The company theorises that the rising price of housing puts off millennials, who may prefer the instant gratification offered by a holiday. However, property doesn’t have to be expensive, especially from property auctions Lake District.The initial price of a house may seem prohibitive, especially in the current financial climate that has seen house prices across the UK rising by 1% since June 2017, even at property auctions Lake District. Whilst it could take a young person or couple a long time to save up bits and pieces to afford a house, the money that they may save up over say, a year, could quite easily buy a whole holiday. This may be the driving force behind the survey’s results, but there are manageable ways to afford or start working towards a home, such as consulting a financial advisor or planner, talking to an experienced estate agent or buying a property from a property auction Lake District.Some may view the fact that holidays are trumping homes for younger generations as millennials just preferring to be more frivolous with their money. The company who carried out the survey disagreed. They stated that Generation Y are just not following the traditional route of homeownership, and choosing to spend their money differently, on things that are more affordable than a house.Whilst the average age of the first-time buyer has only increased by one year over the past decade, it is still quite high, sitting at 32 now. However, if you compare this to the average first-time buyer age in the 1960s, there is a stark contrast. In the early 1960s, first-time buyers were on average just 23 years old, a fact that has left today’s millennials quite put out. 82% of adults interviewed in the travel company’s survey said it was unfair that their parents had a much easier time buying their first homes!Due to this increase in price, it may be tough for millennials to see themselves going to the estate agent’s office or property auctions Lake District to buy their first home, leading to them having adventures of a different kind. Instead of embarking on a life of domestic bliss, they choose to go on action-packed, adrenaline-fueled adventure holidays, the study says. For young British adults, there has been a rise of 83% of trips to New Zealand, 71% to South America, 57% to Scandinavia and 56% to Bali. The survey also found that travelers were generally young professionals, aged around 26.However, it is important that millennials know the options available to them if they do decide to purchase a house. Whilst they may immediately think of estate agents, they may be better off going to a property auction Lake District. Houses can often be snapped up at these auctions, due to there not being a set price. For young adults in the North West, there is a fantastic company called Auction House Cumbria who specialize in selling properties at auction. With a highly experienced team who love to help and advise clients, they could be your perfect solution if you’re looking to buy at auction.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com
